impact rse


Our mission is to make your offices more responsible spaces for your company and your employees.

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Our 3 pillars of engagement

Strong environmental awareness

Collecting and analysing our carbon footprint and energy consumption across our property portfolio.

Flexible and sustainable model

A flexible and customised office offering that halves the volume of work required and therefore limits our carbon emissions.

Daily commitment

Spaces designed to be less energy intensive and managed to produce less waste and be much more sustainable. But that's not all! We are committed to raising the awareness of our employees and corporate clients in order to show that personal and professional commitment is not only accessible but also necessary.

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csr environment

Energy saving in 10 eco gestures

Energy savings are achieved at different levels. It affects both the building envelope and the centralised management of equipment, but also the good habits to be put in place among employees. Here are our best practices to promote among your employees from now on:

1. Turn off your computer when you leave
2. Unplug chargers
3. Be patient when the air conditioning or heating starts up and make sure the windows are closed when the appliances are on
4. Only turn on the air conditioning if the outside temperature is above 28 degrees
5. Turn off light switches when leaving a room
6. Delete unnecessary emails
7. Avoid unnecessary printing and use double-sided printing
8. Putting the dishwasher on eco mode
9. Turn off the coffee machine
10. Try to group together for a video meeting rather than using several meeting rooms

A few tips that are not rocket science and offer the opportunity for everyone to get involved. It is the sum of all these measures that will make the difference!

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Contact our team who will help you find the right space for your needs.